FEF strengthens the metal casting industry by supporting unique partnerships among students, educators and industry, helping today’s students become tomorrow’s leaders.
FEF Canada Shares the model developed by FEF USA. Recognizing the need for an organization nationally focused on Metal Casting Industry education in Canada, FEF Canada was founded in 2006.
After WWII ended, there was a desperate need for skilled technicians and educated leaders in the cast metals industry. FEF was established in 1947 by the leaders of the metal casting industry, with the support of affiliated organizations and societies as an independent extension of metal-casting educational programs at colleges and universities across the country. The primary objective was to bring top-quality men and women into our industry. FEF has since become the lifeline of quality people to our Industry.
FEF has survived the test of time, providing the industry with a steady supply of technical and management-oriented people. Indeed, the single largest factor for the transfer of new technology into the work place has been FEF graduates. Over the last 4 school years, 76.3% of all graduating students who registered with FEF and reported full-time employment, took a position in the metal casting industry (data as of 9/28/12). In addition, many other students are exposed to the Cast Metals Industry, its products, designs, and quality engineered components. Also, research at FEF schools has become the core of important accomplishments and developments in Cast Metals. FEF provides its company contributors with a crucial link to college campuses.
FEF Canada can manage industry-related scholarships (i.e. AFS chapters), as well as several “Living” or memorial funds. For the chapters, these funds are used each year for their intended purpose in the name of the Chapter. Changing of Chapter officers each year is not a problem, and duplication of efforts is reduced with FEF’s established program of identifying qualified students. The memorial funds provide a permanent projection of a cast metal leader’s career and, in a real sense, continue the work to which a lifetime was dedicated.
The principal amount is restricted; only the earnings are used to provide scholarships to qualified students. All awards of this type carry the name of the donor, whether it is an individual, chapter or company. For more information, contact the FEF office.
Annual contributions from companies provide the mainstay for FEF activities. Companies receive full access to all FEF students, professors and programs. Companies are encouraged to support the Career Information Session at the College Industry Conference. Extra fees are waved for company contributors and the exposure to future generations of leaders and buyers of castings is priceless. Several recognitions are available, based on cumulative giving: Magnesium-$10,000; Titanium-$20,000; Vanadium-$50,000; Chromium-$100,000; Zirconium-$150,000; Silver-$250,000; Platinum-$500,000; Gold-$1,000,000+.
Individual Contributors An important way to help the Foundation is through individual support. Past FEF students and FEF Board Members help to protect and increase scholarships to their Alma Mater. Contributions are given back to the schools whenever possible. Special recognition awards are given as an individual contributor reaches each of the following cumulative levels: Charter-$1,000; Founder-$2,000; Professor-$5,000; Dept. Chair-$10,000; Dean-$15,000; Provost-$25,000; Chancellor-$50,000; President-$100,000; Chancellor Emeritus-$250,000; President Emeritus-$500,000+. You may make your individual contribution here with our thanks.
FEF receives no other support than from the Cast Metals Industry. This cost-effective scholarship program has produced long lasting results for our industry, even to companies who have never hired an FEF graduate. We must not forget the future. We need your support to insure the continued strength of this important effort. Join the lifeline to the future through the Foundation for the Cast Metals Industry – FEF!